4 Reasons to Start a Christian Blog (and 3 reasons not to)
In March of 2014, I began a journey I was in no way prepared for… I decided to start a Christian blog. At the time, it wrongly assumed it would be easy. I would simply write a post every now and then, and people would come to my website and read what I wrote. Little did I know all that I would encounter during the next few years. Starting a blog was so much more involved than I had anticipated… but it would also prove to be more rewarding than I could ever have imagined.
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In my 4+ years of blogging, God has taught me so much. Through it all, He has taught me what it means to work hard and pursue what He has called you to do… even when things are stacked against you.
If you’re thinking of beginning this journey as well, here are four good reasons to start a Christian blog:
- God has put a message on your heart to share…
What has God called you to share? Truth be told, we are all called to share the Good News with the world. Blogging, however, gives you a unique voice, and your audience extends far beyond your immediate sphere of influence. You are able to share your stories and life experiences with those you may never have met in real life.
- God has given you the desire to write…
When I first began blogging, I knew deep within my heart that I wanted to write. I actually loved writing all through high school and college. I also knew where this desire came from… Truth be told, I had a lot to learn. (And I still have a lot to learn!) I jumped into blogging having no clue where to really begin, but I knew that I needed to start somewhere because my God-given desire to write wasn’t going away anytime soon.
- God has equipped you with the time and skills necessary to complete the task…
I will be honest. Blogging requires a great deal of time and dedication. I knew when I began that I would need to take the time to research and write. But I had no idea how much time I would spend doing things behind the scenes. In all honesty, writing blog posts is only a small part of blogging. While having strong content is vital to the life of a blog, strong content won’t necessarily guarantee you an audience. A lot of work goes into social media, email marketing, building relationships with readers as well as with other bloggers… the list goes on. Do you have the time and discipline to put in the work?
- God has given you a heart to serve others…
This is probably one of my favorite parts of blogging. I LOVE receiving emails and comments from my readers. Because in the end, this is what it’s all about. Sharing Jesus with the world through blogging is all about reaching people who need Him and are longing for spiritual growth.
Now after reading through my list of four reasons to start a Christian blog, you may be thinking to yourself, “Where do I sign up?” But before you do, I want to dive into some reasons NOT to start a Christian blog.
- Don’t start a Christian blog to make a name for yourself…
The key word in this sentence is “Christian.” Why some may begin blogging to build their brand or make a name for themselves, Christian bloggers should have a different agenda. It’s all about serving the King and the Kingdom. If this isn’t your first priority, Christian blogging may not be for you. Because the second you lose sight of your mission, things tend to fall apart rather quickly. (And this is not only true of blogging but life itself.)
- Don’t start a Christian blog for the sole purpose of making money…
One of the most common topics in the blogging world is how to make money with a blog. And while it is true that you CAN make money, it’s a lot harder than you think to make it happen… especially in Christian blogging where you aren’t marketing products or doing a ton of advertising. Now, there is nothing wrong with wanting to make enough through blogging to fund your ministry or help with family needs. But if this is your SOLE purpose for starting a Christian blog, you probably shouldn’t start one.
- Don’t start a Christian blog before counting the costs…
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. If you want to start a Christian blog, be sure to count the costs before you begin. It will require time, money, commitment, dedication, and the ability to handle critique well. But if God has called you to write, He will be faithful to equip you for the task.
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” – Mark 16:15
*Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.
**Photo by Ben White at ChristianPics.co