When Patience is Hard: How to Find Peace in the Waiting | alyssajhoward.com
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When Patience is Hard: How to Find Peace in the Waiting

Let’s face it. As a culture, we love the idea of instant gratification. And when we don’t see results right away, we tend to struggle wondering if and when our results will come. If there’s one things I’ve learned, however, it’s that the most rewarding things take time. It’s through waiting that we begin to…

Cutting Ties with Your Past When the Enemy Won't Let You Forget | alyssajhoward.com
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Cutting Ties with Your Past When the Enemy Won’t Let You Forget

Cutting ties with your past is often easier said than done. Yet the truth is that your life before Christ was actually not life at all. Now, this doesn’t mean your past is useless. God will often use our pasts in some way for His glory. But the Bible tells us that we have become…

It’s Okay to Grieve: A Biblical Look at Losing a Loved One | alyssajhoward.com
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It’s Okay to Grieve: A Biblical Look at Losing a Loved One

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was at a concert with friends when I received the call that my grandpa had died. It wasn’t a total surprise. My parents were actually there visiting him in the hospital because we knew his time was short. But none of that mattered. It was still just…

When You Face the Impossible: Faith is Worth the Risk | alyssajhoward.com
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When You Face the Impossible: Faith is Worth the Risk

No one likes bad news. I don’t know about you, but I don’t particularly enjoy hearing about something negative on the horizon. But the truth is that we all face the impossible at some point in our lives. Maybe it’s a job situation or a financial struggle. Or perhaps you’re facing an illness of some kind….