4 Truths About Suffering (and how we can rejoice in the midst of it) | alyssajhoward.com
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4 Truths About Suffering (and how we can rejoice in the midst of it)

Suffering isn’t generally a topic we like to talk about (or read about), but it’s something that is common to all of us. We all endure suffering at some point in our lives. We all have endured pain and heartbreak. For that reason, I think it’s important to understand why we suffer. And more importantly,…

You Are Valuable to God: How to Walk in Your New Identity
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You Are Valuable to God: How to Walk in Your New Identity

Before Christ, I was a slave to sin and to this world. My life lacked purpose and meaning, and I was on the road to death rather than life. I desperately needed a Savior – Jesus Christ – to rescue me. It’s such a simple concept, yet I feel that over the years the enemy has distorted…

Am I a Disappointment to God? | alyssajhoward.com
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Am I a Disappointment to God?

God is faithful. He never disappoints. He keeps His promises, even when we don’t keep ours. We can rely on Him in every circumstance. But people… we have the tendency to let each other down. As a mom, I desire to never disappoint my girls. I never want their hopes to be shattered. I want to be…

Praying for a Baby: A Story of Refinement | alyssajhoward.com
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Praying for a Baby: A Story of Refinement

A big thank you to my amazing mother for sharing her heart in this guest post. I knew for most of my life that my parents longed for another baby. I remember the journey well, and I can honestly say that my entire family grew in the process. Thank you, Jesus, for refining each member of…

4 Ways the World Copes with Shame (and how Jesus made a way to get rid of it for good)
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4 Ways the World Copes with Shame (and how Jesus made a way to get rid of it for good)

Shame is such an ugly word. By definition it is “the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or another.” It’s something that we all have experienced at some point in our lives. Maybe we made a terrible mistake or hurt someone we loved. Or perhaps we…