Declaring the Truth: Bravely Proclaiming Your God-Given Destiny |
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Declaring the Truth: Bravely Proclaiming Your God-Given Destiny

This past weekend my husband and I took our girls to see Disney’s Moana. (They loved it by the way!) A story that speaks of legends and mythology, I didn’t expect to walk away with much for spiritual truth. But one thing, in particular, has stuck with me since the movie – the importance of declaring…

8 Lessons I Learned in Seminary About the Christian Faith |
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8 Lessons I Learned in Seminary About the Christian Faith

For those of you who don’t know this about me, in 2008 I began (and completed) two years of seminary at Liberty Baptist Theological seminary earning a Master of Arts degree in theological studies. During this time, my Christian faith was tested in ways I could have never imagined, and I had a few surprising revelations….

When the Storms of Life Come: How Secure Are My Roots? |
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When the Storms of Life Come: How Secure Are My Roots?

We recently had a windstorm sweep through our area. And this was no ordinary windstorm. With gusts as high as 70mph, this storm (which lasted several hours) brought great devastation to our area. Tens of thousands were without power, homes were destroyed, and there were even a few reported deaths.   Living in the Pacific Northwest,…

Brothers and Sisters in Christ: How to Keep Peace in the Family of God
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Brothers and Sisters in Christ: How to Keep Peace in the Family of God

When my youngest was born, her older sister wasn’t too happy. She certainly had moments when she was intrigued by this new little person, but a new sister meant that life would never be the same. She now had to share everything… mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, time, attention, toys, etc. This new sibling…

Walking Hand in Hand with Our Father We Find Everything We Need
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Walking Hand in Hand with Our Father We Find Everything We Need

I love holding hands with my toddlers. Their hands feel so small in my hand. When they hold my hand, I feel needed and loved. I get to protect them and keep them close. I get to lead them where I need them to go and keep them from wandering off. And I know that…

3 Ways We Have Been Equipped By God to Patiently Endure Life’s Struggles
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3 Ways We Have Been Equipped By God to Patiently Endure Life’s Struggles

Toddlers aren’t exactly the most patient human beings. Some are probably more patient than others, but overall patience isn’t typically a trait used to describe an average 3-year-old. My daughter has been in the habit lately of asking demanding repeatedly her request until she gets what she wants. She will ask for some water – she will watch…