Why Christianity Will Never Make Sense to the World

Why Christianity Will Never Make Sense to the World

Christianity has become so controversial in our day and age. We are often seen as judgmental and hateful by the rest of the world. I find it interesting that our culture preaches tolerance when it comes to every walk of life except for Christianity… but then again, didn’t the Bible tell us it would be…

Unshakable: How Secure is Your Foundation?
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Unshakable: How Secure is Your Foundation?

Many of us like to believe that we’re unshakable. We like to think that we are strong enough to handle anything life throws our way. The truth is, however, we all have our breaking points. We all experience problems that seem to be bigger than life itself. It’s times like these when we begin to realize that…

Complaining and the Ungrateful Heart: Lessons from the Wilderness

Complaining and the Ungrateful Heart: Lessons from the Wilderness

This past week, my Bible study focused on the Israelites and their complaining in the desert. God had just delivered them out of Egypt, and they had also just witnessed the true power of God when He parted the Red Sea. I can only imagine how awestruck they must have been! After only three days…

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
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Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year. It’s absolutely gorgeous! I love the pumpkins, the falling leaves, and of course drinking hot chocolate on a cool autumn day. There is, however, one thing I’m somewhat torn over… Halloween. Should Christians celebrate Halloween? Don’t get me wrong. I would love nothing more than…

To Be Glued: Clinging to God in All of Life’s Circumstances

To Be Glued: Clinging to God in All of Life’s Circumstances

It has been a particularly long and difficult week. Not only was it my daughter’s birthday, so party plans officially took over my life, but I also managed to injure my right arm on the morning of the party. Taking care of two toddlers with only one strong arm has been a challenge, to say the…

Embrace the Uncomfortable: Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zones to Grow in Our Faith
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Embrace the Uncomfortable: Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zones to Grow in Our Faith

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be frightening. Nobody enjoys being uncomfortable. In fact, most of us despise it, and we will do anything to avoid it. The truth is, however, that our comfort zone can actually be the most dangerous place to be. Why you ask? Because when we are too comfortable, there…