Good and Bad Communication: 9 Ways to Resolve Conflict in Marriage |
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Good and Bad Communication: 9 Ways to Resolve Conflict in Marriage

My husband and I took a cruise for our honeymoon. During one of the shows, they brought a couple up on stage who had been married for over 50 years. And when asked how they did it, the husband replied, “Two words… I’m sorry!” Then the wife added, “I forgive you!” We all had a…

3 Negative Attitudes That Will Destroy Your Marriage |
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3 Negative Attitudes That Will Destroy Your Marriage

The Bible tells us to fix our thoughts on “what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.” (Philippians 4:8) This outlook on life affects every aspect of our lives – including our marriages. The enemy likes to use our negative attitudes and thoughts to suck the joy out of marriages. But…

The Truth About Marriage: Love is a Choice |
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The Truth About Marriage: Love is a Choice

As crazy as it sounds, divorce is almost seen as a rite of passage in today’s culture. It’s certainly seen as a viable option when our marriages hit rough times. The problem with this thinking is that ALL marriages hit rough times. So based on our culture’s standard, all marriages have times where divorce could…

A Realistic Look at the Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31
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A Realistic Look at the Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31

When speaking of the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31, Bible teachers often focus on the attributes that make her a good mother, wife, and keeper of the home. But this passage goes far beyond that. It describes her as a woman who is well-rounded with a good head on her shoulders… smart and resourceful. The…

The True Purpose of Marriage (according to the Bible) |
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The True Purpose of Marriage (according to the Bible)

We all know the statistics. Marriage is hard. In fact, some may wonder what the true purpose of marriage is anyhow. Why get married when so many marriages fail? But the truth about marriage is that with the right perspective (and help from the Holy Spirit), it can be one of the greatest blessings of…