The Power of a Good Story: Spreading the Message of Hope to the World
We all enjoy a good story. Books, television, and movies all prove this point. Whether it be romance, science fiction, drama, etc. – as long as the story is good, we generally enjoy getting to know the characters and the plot. Perhaps we love stories because we can identify with them. Or maybe we simply enjoy being entertained by them. Either way, a good story will draw us in.
As I read my daughters fairy tales and nursery rhymes, I’m amazed at just how many lessons there are to be learned. Some are just plain silly, but others really do have something to say. And they are able to say it in a way that my toddlers will understand. Many of these stories teach life lessons that I am still trying to learn as an adult.
A good story will enable us to learn something new.
Stories do far more than entertain us – they have the ability to teach us new concepts. Some of the hardest life lessons can be illustrated using a simple story.
Jesus told many stories throughout His ministry. He told parables to illustrate complex theological truths. Yes, He could have simply explained His message. But in the end, His stories did a far better job of allowing us to grasp the true meaning of His teachings.
Jesus never once watered down His message. He always spoke the truth. But He did have different methods of sharing the truth that allowed Him to reach a wide range of audiences.
A good story will compel us to action.
My father-in-law and I share a common interest in history. We can’t get enough! Unfortunately, there is truth to the saying “history has a way of repeating itself.” Looking back, societies tend to make the same mistakes over and over again. What if we all knew the stories? What if we all took them to heart? And what if we chose to learn from our mistakes instead of repeating them?
A good story will change how we think and will impact our decisions. It will show us the consequences (both good and bad) of our choices before we have the chance to go down the wrong path. History is full of stories that demonstrate the strength of mankind as well as our weaknesses. We have the choice to learn from the past and take the path that leads to victory rather than defeat.
A good story will inspire us to share.
Hollywood does its fair share of advertising, but what really drives the success of its films happens to be word of mouth. If a movie is terrible, word spreads quickly and even the biggest of blockbusters will fail miserably.
One simple truth is this: stories that are worth sharing will undoubtedly get shared – especially in our culture today. Social media has made it easy for unknown stories to become known by the whole world. We share things that are funny, sad, inspirational…and sometimes even downright silly. In the end, we love to share the things that made us feel something.
Perhaps we are so fascinated by good stories because we are in one. It began once upon a time, and it is a tale as old as time itself.
In the beginning, God made the world. Sin separated man from God, but God had a plan to rescue us all from its power. Jesus sacrificed Himself on a cross to make a way for us to be cleansed of our sin, and we now have access to our happily ever after in eternity with Him. It truly is the greatest story ever told.
A good story will enable us to learn something new. – Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are able to understand the truth of God’s plan to redeem man from sin. We learn who we truly are as human beings – loved by God and created by Him for eternity.
A good story will compel us to action. – Understanding what God spared us from will drive us to serve Him in all that we do. Our actions will reflect that we now belong to God.
A good story will inspire us to share. – The Gospel is called “the good news” for a reason. There is hope for those who are lost in their sin. As Christians, we need to remember that the story isn’t just about us. It is meant to be shared.
But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God. – Acts 20:24 (NLT)
Will you share the story?
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