Impossible Battles: Even the Winds and Waves Obey Him
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Impossible Battles: Even the Winds and Waves Obey Him

We all have them. Obstacles and impossible battles that we have no idea how to overcome. We are taught from an early age to face them head on. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. For some of the battles, this is true. We can face them head on and win. Then there are the…

Are We Desensitized to the Things of God?
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Are We Desensitized to the Things of God?

When the early Christian church was expanding after Jesus ascended into heaven, amazing things were taking place. Thousands were coming to know Christ as their Savior and the message of the gospel was being preached throughout the known world. These new believers were passionate about their new faith as well as the expansion of the…

Lukewarm Christianity: 8 Ways We Can Avoid It
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Lukewarm Christianity: 8 Ways We Can Avoid It

Lukewarm Christianity. It was a term I heard often growing up in the church. It’s described in the book of Revelation where God speaks to the church of Laodicea. This past week, I had a really difficult time letting go of this passage. In our American culture, it is so easy to fulfill our needs…

I Am the Lord Your God Who Has Done Amazing Things
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I Am the Lord Your God Who Has Done Amazing Things

I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from the land of Egypt, the place of your slavery. When the Lord would address His people, He would often remind them of all He had done for them. The phrase, “I am the Lord your God who…” is repeated countless times in the Old Testament….

Victory at the Finish Line: Building Endurance in Our Faith
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Victory at the Finish Line: Building Endurance in Our Faith

One of my favorite things about running is that the results are tangible. Growth can easily be measured by time and distance. Just five months ago, I competed in my first half marathon. This weekend, I will be racing in my second. I can’t begin to tell you how different it is training for this…

Unshakable: How Secure is Your Foundation?
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Unshakable: How Secure is Your Foundation?

Many of us like to believe that we’re unshakable. We like to think that we are strong enough to handle anything life throws our way. The truth is, however, we all have our breaking points. We all experience problems that seem to be bigger than life itself. It’s times like these when we begin to realize that…